The COMPASS Jan Issue | Page 10

to within 900 feet ( 270m ) of the midpoint between the thresholds are eliminated . A touchdown zone marking shall be provided in the touchdown zone of a paved precision approach runway where the code number is 2 , 3 or 4 . The code numbers refer to the size of the runway , where a Code 1 runway is less than 800 meters ( 2,625 feet ) and the higher numbers are longer . The aiming point marking serves as a visual aiming point for a landing aircraft . These two rectangular markings consist of a broad white stripe located on each side of the runway centerline and approximately 1,000 feet from the landing threshold . An aiming point marking shall be provided at each approach end of a paved instrument runway where the code number is 2 , 3 or 4 . The aiming point marking to the threshold than the distance indicated [ below ], except that , on a runway equipped with a visual approach slope indicator system , the beginning of the marking shall be coincident with the visual approach slope origin . The location of the aiming point marking depends on the landing distance available . For a runway between 1,200 meters ( 3,947 feet ) and 2,400 meters ( 7,874 feet ) landing distance the aiming point begins at 300 meters ( 984 feet ). An aiming point marking shall consist of two conspicuous stripes . Your aim point , as your very first flight instructor told you , should be that point on the windscreen that doesn ’ t move . That instructor would also add a lie : “ If you don ’ t do anything , that is where the airplane is going to first contact the runway .” statement is that you have airplane underneath you , and as the type ratings accumulated , there was more and more airplane below and behind you to consider . If it were just your eyes doing the flying , then your aim point would indeed be the same as your touchdown point . Where the airplane will touch down , then , depends on where the wheels are in relation to your eyes , the things doing the aiming . The answer varies with aircraft . We ’ ll used the Gulfstream 450 as an example , but you can do the math for you airplane if you wish . Or you can just take away the bottom line message : don ’ t aim for brick one . Figure : G450 dimensions , side view , from G450 Aircraft Operating Manual , § 2A- 06-00 , figure 2 , part 2 . shall commence no closer The problem with that last 6 | MDN | www . mdnvirtual . org | January Issue