Arts in Medicine
Helps Promote
Inside this issue
he echoes of cello, classical positive effect on patients’ emotions guitar, harp, and violin are new but and recuperating processes. Research welcome sounds to our patients indicates that listening to soothing music Departments
and staff as they walk through the hospital. has the ability to reduce stress, blood These beautiful sounds are those of Baylor pressure, and post-operative trauma when Scott & White All Saints Medical Center – compared to silence. 2
Fort Worth’s new Arts in Medicine program.
The vision to add music as an additional
This program integrates music and the healing modality is one Amy Adkins,
performing arts to promote healing and president of Baylor Scott & White All Saints
enhance the lives of our patients, their Health Foundation, has had for some time.
When contacted by the G.R.
“Respectfully offering a
compassionate presence through
my cello’s voice is the most
important work of my life.”
—Dirje Childs
Dr. Kip
in Medicine, an established News, Projects & Campaigns
for a new program, Amy
program at Baylor University
Medical Center, part of
families, visitors, and caregivers. It also one day replicating in Fort Worth. She
builds on community partnerships around immediately pitched the idea to the
the arts, health, and medicine. G.R. White Trust, and the rest, as they say,
the healthcare setting can have a
Focus On: Philanthropy
immediately thought of Arts
to provide seed money
which she dreamed of
shown that incorporating music into
From the Chair
White Trust about a desire
Baylor Scott & White Health,
Music psychology studies have
From the President
is history.
Established in December, the program’s
first phase involves establishing an
Continued on pg 8
Maria Beggs Society
Beyond the Bag
Graduate Medical Education
Philanthropy in Action
Transplant Services