The Compass - Fort Worth The Compass, Spring 2020 | Page 5
Kollier “Kip” Hinkle, MD
Designated Institutional Official of the new
Graduate Medical Education programs
MD, the residency program’s lead
physician. “We are committed to
teaching best practices through
evidence-based medicine and
Baylor Scott & White – Fort
Worth currently hosts medical
students for their undergraduate
medical rotations in internal
medicine, general surgery and
OB/GYN. The hospital also hosts
students from the Texas College
of Osteopathic Medicine and
nursing students from TCU, The
University of Texas at Arlington,
and other area nursing schools.
With the addition of ACGME-
accredited training programs
to its educational offerings,
the hospital will become a
university medical center in
acknowledgement of its teaching
and research capabilities.
“With our ongoing
dedication to excellent patient
care, this collaboration will
further opportunities for medical
education and research, benefiting
the community as a whole,” said
Mike. “Our goal is to build upon this
foundation that echoes the pillars
of outstanding teaching hospitals:
patient care, education, and
For more information on how
the Foundation is supporting the
new graduate medical education
program, please contact Amy Adkins
at 817.922.7707 or Amy.Adkins@
ollier “Kip” Hinkle, MD, joined patients and mentors that have guided
Baylor Scott & White All Saints me along my path. There is a considerable
Medical Center – Fort Worth in “pay it forward” aspect of medical
2018 as the medical director of the Mednax education, and being a part of a team of
OB/GYN Hospitalist Program. He has lived dedicated medical educators not only
in Fort Worth since 2000, completing helps our community by increasing quality
his residency locally at John Peter Smith care, but also allows me to impact learners
Hospital. Dr. Hinkle had previously worked in ways that I so greatly appreciated when
as an academic OB/GYN at the University I was going through residency.
of North Texas Health Science Center as
an associate professor and assistant dean. What is one of your hidden talents?
Dr. Hinkle has been involved with graduate A few years ago, at age 45, I ran a half
medical education (GME) as well as marathon once a week from January
serving as an associate program director through May. I had been trying do it for
in OB/GYN and now as the Designated an entire year, but my body eventually
Institutional Official (DIO) of new GME revolted. I try to play indoor soccer once a
programs at Baylor Scott & White – Fort week in an open league.
Worth. He is currently a professor in the
Department of OB/GYN at the TCU/ What do you love about Fort Worth?
UNTHSC School of Medicine. He earned his I have seen Fort Worth grow and develop
medical degree from the Medical University over the 20 years I have been here. Despite
of South Carolina in 2000. He completed its large size, it still has a really big “small town”
his master’s in Health Professions Education feel. Good civic leadership and the friendli-
from the Massachusetts General Hospital ness of the people help make this work.
Institute of Health Professions in 2016.
What are you currently reading?
What drew you to study medicine? I usually have a few books going at once.
Like most physicians, my interests in Currently, I am reading Just Mercy by Brian
science, humanism, and helping others Stevenson, The Soul of America by Jon
led me to medicine as a career. It is a Meacham and Homo Deus by Yuval Harari.
privilege to get to use my education and Pretty different, but all interesting and
experiences to help patients in times thought-provoking.
of need and help prepare developing
physicians in the early part of their careers.
What is the best advice you ever received?
Treat patients the way you would want
Where did you complete your residency? your family treated, and you will usually do
I started my Family Medicine Residency at the right things.
John Peter Smith Hospital in Fort Worth in
2000. I changed to OB/GYN in 2002 and Any tips on staying healthy?
graduated in 2006, also at JPS. Providing healthcare is a very demanding
career. I heard someone say, “There is no
What appeals to you most about overseeing work-life balance, only life balance.” Whether
the residency program? it is a hobby, service, community, exercise,
I can vividly remember some of the finding joy in things you do helps to provide
formative interactions I have had with balance to the challenges we all face.