Local emergency
care helped Cathy
survive a stroke.
Timing is
very second counts when a of the stroke—and the sooner, the better. patients more privacy. “I’m proud of our
patient is suffering from a stroke. Quick treatment improves chances of community and the people who have
When an artery to the brain is survival and minimizes any lasting effects responded to this need. Having private
from the stroke. rooms in the ED will lessen the stress on
either blocked or bursts, a quick response
is vital to prevent long-term brain damage.
Fortunately for Cathy Cole,
“It all happened so fast,” Cathy says.
patients and their families,” Cathy says.
“From the time my symptoms started to
emergency care was close by when she the time I had the tPA and started feeling needed it most. normal again was between 45 minutes Department renovations and how you can
to an hour. I’m so blessed and lucky that help, please contact Kassi Horner, director
her laptop at home when she noticed things happened at the right time and of philanthropy for Brenham and College
she was having a hard time typing with I was able to get care so quickly. I can Station, at 979-337-5248.
her right hand. Thinking her hand had say without question that having the fallen asleep, she reached for a glass of emergency room here played a major water and spilled it. role in how well I recovered.”
One Sunday, Cathy was working on
Cathy realized something wasn’t
Cathy was transferred to Baylor
right. “I picked up the phone to call my Scott & White Medical Center - College
daughter, Amanda, who lives nearby, but Station, where she spent less than a
I couldn’t dial the numbers,” she says. “It week in recovery doing physical and
was like my mind was working, but my occupational therapy.
body wasn’t responding.”
As a realtor, Cathy is proud to tell
To learn more about the Emergency
Play a round
“fore” health care
Join us as a player, team,
or sponsor for the 27th
clients moving to the area about the great Annual Healthcare Classic
call from her other daughter, Jessica, who care available to them at Baylor Scott & Golf Tournament on Friday,
was boarding a plane. Cathy was able to White. Just before her stroke, Cathy also September 27, 2019 at Brenham
answer the call, but could only grunt in joined the Development Advisory Board Country Club. Every dollar of
response. Jessica immediately contacted for the Baylor Scott & White Central sponsorship donations benefit
her sister. Texas Foundation - Brenham to help raise the Emergency Department
funds for the Emergency Department renovation project.
Just moments later, Cathy received a
“Amanda got to my house and knew
right away that I was having a stroke,”
Cathy says. “She called the ambulance
renovation project.
“I think about the project from a
and they got me to Baylor Scott & White different perspective now,” she says.
in Brenham.” “To see it as a patient, or to look at it
Cathy was given tissue plasminogen
activator (tPA), a medication that can help
dissolve blood clots and restore blood
from the point of view of our staff is
completely different.”
Plans for the expansion include
flow to the brain. It is most effective if additional capacity to treat more
administered within four and a half hours patients and converted rooms to give
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