The COMmunicator 2019 Gala Special Edition | Page 7

"We first met in Washington DC prior to attending UNE COM, so we are extremely excited to be able to return to the DC area to train."

-Ivy Co, DO '18

"40 Leaders in 40 Years"

"40 COM Couples"


"40 Leaders in 40 Years" showcases “leaders” who have influenced the Osteopathic Profession. We choose to loosely define leadership, not limited to a title or position, but more broadly as the impact you have had on others and your communities.

We are asking our alumni and current students to share your stories.

Send us a video that tells us how you are a demonstrated leader in what you DO, or nominate someone else to be featured in our 40th Celebration.

"40 COM Couples" showcases alumni couples who met at UNE COM and continue to be a teaming force in medicine. Please share part of your story about how you and your partner met at UNE COM.

Ivy Co, DO '18 and Tom Gallant, DO '18 showcase their residency match letters at the 2018 Match Day celebration.