The COMmunicator 2019-20 Vol. 4 | Page 6


Adjusting to the new normal, UNE COM’s Professional Staff & Faculty (above), the Academic Affairs Office and the OMM Fellows are among those conducting meetings through Zoom.

OMM Fellows:

Top L-R: Student Doctors: Christina Tsui, Jenna Wozer, Rachel Paquette and James Koch

Bottom L-R: Student Doctors: Sean Byrne, Mark Jens, Matthew Senno and Stephanie Nonawzki

Academic Affairs Office:

1st Row: Pam Smith, Amy Esquivel, Audrey Szeredy, Ashley Gouzie

2nd Row: Robin Watts, Maryann Lecompte, Danielle St. Onge, Robert Lauzon

3rd Row: Joan Hallee, Dr. Stacey Pierce-Talsma, Diana Mayo, Justin Hamel

4th Row: Candace Baker, Theresa Rossignol