The COMmunicator 2019-20 Vol. 4 | Page 4

UNE COM owes its success to an amazing group of faculty and professional staff. Their commitment and enthusiasm has not waivered while working remotely with poor internet service; home schooling children; adjusting to constantly changing educational landscapes, etc. I couldn’t be more impressed with their ingenuity, creativity and flexibility and I am so proud to be part of their team.

Guiding the course of the COM and trying to stay a little bit ahead of all these folks is the Dean’s Leadership Team. I would like to make sure you know who these are and always feel free to reach out to any one of them.

I would also like to give a special thank you to Diana Sanders, my virtual right arm; who keeps me on track, up to date, and looking like I know what I am doing. I am so proud of everyone and fortunate to have them as part of this osteopathic family.

Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions AND please send me any “Shout Out” photos from where you are…. I would love to share these with everyone to show that we are all in this TOGETHER!

All my best to you and yours,

Jane E. Carreiro, DO

Vice President for Health Affairs and Dean

University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine