The COMmunicator 2019-20 Vol. 4 | Page 39

In the wake of COVID-19, UNE COM also held its Graduation Ceremony, virtually, to celebrate the Class of 2020. With the combined efforts of multiple departments within the University, and some incredible vendors, regalia was shipped to over 160 students across the U.S. and Canada in time for the ceremony.

For the ceremony, students logged into Zoom to have their names announced alphabetically; celebrations were heartfelt as each student’s name was called and families had the opportunity to congratulate their student as they were spotlighted. Family and friends could also watch the live-stream on the UNE website.

One student said of the experience, “We were all blown away by the ceremony! Although, seeing everyone in person would have been nice, the ceremony was so beautiful.” Another seconded the sentiment: “You have set an incredible example of adaptability and persistence in trying times. My entire family loved the ceremony, and argued that it was more enjoyable than an in-person ceremony.”

Although the Class of 2020 experienced graduation miles apart from one another, participating in the Zoom together brought this incredible family together again for one of the most pivotal moments of their lives. While the moment wasn’t perfect, the moment itself held significant meaning for our students and their families. Congratulations, Class of 2020!