The COMmunicator 2019-20 Vol. 4 | Page 13

Third-year student, Emily Schaffer, COM '21 put her sewing talents to use by starting the SEAMSTARS, comprised of UNE students, faculty and staff sewing cloth masks for those affected by the pandemic. “My whole goal with creating the SEAMSTARS was to create an avenue to encourage students to make masks for others," she says. Student doctor Schaffer completed her rotations at Kent Hospital in Warwick, RI. Learn more.

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Some regional hospitals have already made arrangements for a potential influx of COVID-19 patients.

The Plymouth State University Ice Arena & Welcome Center has become an alternative care site for Speare Memorial Hospital (SMH), a small, rural hospital in Plymouth, NH.

Brittania McDonald, UNE PA class of 2006, chief of medicine at SMH, has solicited help from COM student, Kara Button, COM '21.

Student Doctor Seth Butler was completing his rotation with Lakes Region General Hospital (LRGH) in Laconia, NH when the pandemic struck. He hopes to conduct a study on personal protective equipment (PPE) being used at LRGH.

Read the complete article.

Top: Emily Schaffer, COM '21 sewing for SEAMSTARS;

Bottom: Brittania McDonald, PA and Kara Button, COM '21; Seth Butler, COM '21