Second-year COM Students: (In Back): Jenna Wozer, Samantha Culver. Jennifer Darroch, Gigi Green, and Shelby Crowley. (In front): Jaclyn Ward and Brian Hurley.
COM student, Jaclyn Ward, helps out during OMM demonstration
Playing with Curriculum
During their visit, students were introduced to the principles of osteopathic medicine, and had opportunity to participate in an osteopathic manipulative medicine demonstration in the OMM Lab. Throughout the program, students attended smaller sessions on clinical skills, radiology, and gross anatomy. Biomedical faculty members, Hwyda Arafat, MD, PhD, and Diana Goode, PhD were also excited to participate, giving lectures on asthma and tuberculosis respectively. Of working with the Biomedical Faculty, Jenna remarked, “[Dr. Goode] was very excited to be able to teach for these high school students because it was such a different opportunity… how to communicate to a high school student who has even less background I think was a fun challenge for her… everyone always really enjoys [Dr. Arafat], too, because she is just kind and caring and really good at explaining things.”