The COMmunicator 2018-19 Vol. 1 | Page 3

NYLF and the Art of Channeling

motivatioN, curiositY, active Listening, and Fluidity.


Within the subtext of the osteopathic principles is the idea that behind every patient is a story. If you listen hard enough, beyond the lung sounds, and the heartbeat, amongst the pauses and subtleties of body language, you’ll discover something about the patient you never would have uncovered otherwise. Analogous to that is the notion that every moment tells a story, and if we examine any particular moment, we are bound to witness an intersection of infinite stories waiting to be told. This summer a story was unfolding within the UNE College of Osteopathic Medicine that was not only inspiring, but literally palpable.

The National Youth Leadership Forum (NYLF), based out of Boston, features high school students from across the country with genuine interest in the health science professions. Two groups visited campus on July 16th and 17th for a day of immersive learning. Assistant Director of Recruitment and Alumni Services, Annie Connors, was the driving force behind the event. Annie is often on the road recruiting at various fairs and conferences, and enjoyed the opportunity and unique energy of bringing students to campus. UNE COM has partnered with NYLF for over a decade in order to “encourage our youth to explore and examine career options in the healthcare field,” Annie explains. Another positive aspect of the program, according to Annie, is that scholarships are awarded to local students in order to attend NYLF. “One of the students came from Biddeford High School,” she recalls. “This young lady came up to me at the end of the first day and could not say enough how much fun she had and what it meant to her. I think this particular example truly highlights how we are not only furthering our own agenda of education and student recruitment, but we are providing a service to our community as well.” Annie and second-year COM student, Jenna Wozer, spent months planning the NYLF visit. Annie admitted she “was really excited when Jenna Wozer was selected as the coordinator for NYLF this year… [we] had talked previously about ways to engage some of our