The Commons Spring 2019: Graduation Edition | Page 17

2019 GRADUATES MORIAH SELWYN STRUBLE PLANS AFTER GRADUATION: Taking a work year, and then possibly going into a STEM major. MOST IMPORTANT TAKEAWAY: That man was not made to be alone—your greatest asset are the people around you. FAVORITE NSA MEMORY: Looking at things through the microscope in the lab, specifically the protists. NAOMI MARY TATE THESIS: To a Thousand Generations: A Guide to Geriatric Care. PLANS AFTER GRADUATION: Raise a horde of children who delight in the Lord. MOST IMPORTANT TAKEAWAY: Living under the kingship of Christ is the only way to shape culture. FAVORITE NSA MEMORY: Dr. Wilson’s Marine Biology field trip to Rosario Beach. PHILIP BENJAMIN TATE B KARIS TAYLOR THESIS: Philosophy Matters: Realism in Quantum Mechanics. PLANS AFTER GRADUATION: Although I have not settled on definite plans, I am currently pursuing a position as a quantitative analyst. MOST IMPORTANT TAKEAWAY: The lifelong friendships forged over the years. FAVORITE NSA MEMORY: Our annual sunrise trips to Granite, even the time Devon managed to get the entire class lost. THESIS: Defending the Unborn: Civil Disobedience and the Natural Law. PLANS AFTER GRADUATION: Teach my children to love the Lord and their mama. MOST IMPORTANT TAKEAWAY: There is no part of life where Christ is not King, and to live in that knowledge is the richest blessing. FAVORITE NSA MEMORY: Dr. Wilson’s Marine Biology field trip to Rosario Beach. NATHANAEL CHAIM WIESKE THESIS: Engaging Reformation Political Theology And Minarchism. PLANS AFTER GRADUATION: Applying for career-focused studies in Canada. MOST IMPORTANT TAKEAWAY: Math has always been an inextricable ingre- dient of Western Civilization. FAVORITE NSA MEMORY: Probably oral finals. When you have a good grasp, it’s great fun being asked about all the cool material you studied. SPRING 2019 17