Tenor Cody Laun to Join NSA
Music Faculty and Conservatory
Figaro, Strauss’s Die Fledermaus, Handel’s variety of styles and genres. As he joins
Messiah, Bach’s B Minor Mass, and many the NSA faculty, he will be teaching pri-
others. The New Saint Andrews College vate and group voice lessons to students
community will likely remember his per- of all ages through the NSA Conservato-
formance as the tenor soloist in NSA’s ry of Music, serving as a vocal coach for
2015 presentation of Mozart’s Requiem the choirs and soloists, as well as teaching
(pictured below) as well as the tenor so- various music coursework for the college.
loist for the 2012 performance of Beetho-
ven’s Choral Fantasy.
Cody is currently serving on the faculty
His teaching philosophy
of Front Range Community College in
is centered around joyful
Fort Collins, Colorado, recently finished
musical creation, healthy,
his tenure as Visiting Professor of Voice at
Colorado State University, and is on the
well-informed sound
faculty of Magnolia Music in Fort Collins,
production, and physical/
Colorado. Cody has been privileged to
have his music students hired by regional
emotional empathy.
musical theater companies, place at state
and regional NATS competitions, and
gain entrance into well-established gradu- We are pleased to welcome Cody Laun to
ate programs. His teaching philosophy is NSA and look forward to the outstand-
centered around joyful musical creation, ing musical gifts he will bring to the
WARD-WINNING TENOR and healthy, well-informed sound production, broader community.
voice instructor Cody Laun will and physical/emotional empathy.
For opportunities to study voice with
be joining the New Saint An-
His performance experience enables Mr. Laun this fall, look for announce-
drews College faculty and the NSA Con- him to coach and teach across a wide ments from the NSA Conservatory.
servatory of Music, as it begins its second
year, in August of 2017.
Mr. Laun’s voice has received high
praise from critics and has earned him
numerous honors, including winning the
2015 Arkansas District Metropolitan Op-
era National Council auditions, singing
as a finalist in the 2014 Madame Rose
Palmai-Tenser competition, participating
in the national round of the 2014 Clas-
sical Singer competition in San Antonio,
TX, and winning the graduate men’s
category at the 2014 Southern Regional
NATS competition.
He has also performed as a soloist in a
range of choral and operatic works, includ-
ing Mozart’s Magic Flute and Marriage of