The Common Ground Vol. 6 Issue 2 Dec. 2012 | Page 3

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The Benefits of Goat Milk in Skin Care

Commonwealth Goat Club

Membership Application

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Street Address:_______________________________________________________________

City, State and Zip: ___________________________________________________________

Telephone: _____________________________________ County: _____________________

Website URL: ________________________________________________________________

Herd Name:________________________ Breeds Owned:___________________________

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Additional herd information (check all that apply):

___ dairy ___fiber ___meat

___ buck service or leasing ___ DHIR ___ linear appraisal

___ $10 individual membership ___ $15 professional membership

___ $15 family membership

___ $10 per year newsletter business card ad (please include business card)

total enclosed _____________

Make checks payable to CGC. Mail application and payment to

Sue Garvin at P.O. Box 1052 Warrenton, VA 20188-1052

Have you noticed the abundance of skin care products that now contain goat milk? Is this some new natural fad or is there something to it? Actually using goat milk for skin care is an age old tradition. They say Cleopatra even bathed in it. Here's why.

Lactic Acid- This is a naturally occurring alpha hydroxy acid that is helps to remove older, surface skin so that younger, fresher looking skin remains visible. Wrinkles, rough looking skin, and uneven pigmentation appear reduced after regular use of products containing goat milk.

Fat and Protein - These ingredients may contribute moisture to the skin leaving it smooth and supple.

Vitamins and Minerals- Goat milk has an abundance of vitamins and minerals that contribute to skin health. Vitamin A, which is particularly important for beautiful skin, is about 47%

more abundant in goat milk than cow milk.

The pH of goat milk is close to the skin's own natural pH. This reduces surface tension of the skin and allows better uptake of naturally occuring moisturizers. When used in shampoo or conditioner, it helps to bring moisture to the hair shaft and scalp. Milk, it's not just for drinking!