Join the Club
Sponsor an Exchange Student in 2013
Commonwealth Goat Club
Membership Application
Name: ________________________________________ Email:_________________________
Street Address:_______________________________________________________________
City, State and Zip: ___________________________________________________________
Telephone: _____________________________________ County: _____________________
Website URL: ________________________________________________________________
Herd Name:________________________ Breeds Owned:___________________________
Do you wish to have your information published in our membership directory?
___ yes __ no
Additional herd information (check all that apply):
___ dairy ___fiber ___meat
___ buck service or leasing ___ DHIR ___ linear appraisal
___ $10 individual membership ___ $15 professional membership
___ $15 family membership
___ $10 per year newsletter business card ad (please include business card)
total enclosed _____________
Make checks payable to CGC. Mail application and payment to
Sue Garvin at P.O. Box 1052 Warrenton, VA 20188-1052
The Virginia 4-H has an international exchange program that gives young people hands-on international learning experiences by hosting or being hosted by someone from another country. The benefits for the youths and their families are:
* learning about other countries and
* developing an appreciation for social,
economic, political and cultural
contributions of all people
* understanding how culture affects
values, beliefs and attitudes
* improving language skills
* making new friends
To find out more, contact the person listed below who heads the program of your interest.
Dottie Nelson [email protected]
International 4-H Youth Exchange Program for people age 16-26.
Deb Johnson [email protected]
To host Japanese students aged 11-18 and their chaperones
Rebecca Moyer [email protected]
To host a year long high school student from Japan or the newly independent states of the Soviet Union