The Common Good May 2014 | Page 5

For as this desert has come to town, let's remember it was in another desert that another people struggled to accept the enough of God's provision. Will we allow manna to satisfy us, or allow our greed to blind us to the joy and abundance awaiting us in a promised land where generosity and contentment reign? bulk of the UKs foodbanks. He was joined in giving us the depressing statistics by Matt Barlow from debt advice charity Christians Against Poverty. But they also told inspiring stories as well. In fact, people from many streams and denominations were represented – a real show of unity. The beginning of something Andy Walton Christians on the Left is a political organisation. And political organisations have their meetings in Westminster, right? Or at least in Holyrood, Stormont or Cardiff. So why did over a hundred people find themselves packed into a room at Vauxhall Foodbank in south London for the Christians on the Left Summit? Well, the answer was to be found in the kind of people who were there. There was time to break into groups to discuss various pressing issues, but the event was about action as well as conversation. Those attending the summit had brought donations and a large pile of groceries was gathered for use by Vauxhall Foodbank. But as well as this example of social action, we wanted to involve ourselves in social justice. So, led by David Barclay from the Contextual Theology Centre, we took part in a mass twitter action, asking Communities Secretary Eric Pickles to allow councils to decide whether betting shops and payday lenders should be allowed to open in their area. Of course there were some of the usual suspects. Inspiring speeches from David Lammy MP and Stephen Timms MP were met with warm applause. But those attending the event weren’t just special advisors, think tank researchers and party hacks. Instead, the audience at the community launch of Christians on the Left looked like the communities who are at the sharp end of politics across the country. Uniting them all was a desire to learn more about how their faith can play a positive role in the politics of the British left. I spoke to several people who had never been to a political event before, youthworkers and church employees who hadn’t previously considered themselves party political had turned up and decided that now is the time to get involved. You can see why – we heard that there are now more than a thousand foodbank distribution centres across the country – and more planned. This statistic and one of the most moving presentations of the evening came from Chris Mould, the Chair of Trussell Trust – the organisation providing the be The is alive and activists. Watch this People around the country and around the world were able to join the Summit via social media, and many did. The most exciting thing about the Summit was that it felt like the ginning of something. spirit of Christian Socialism well and reaching younger space...