The Common Good January 2014 | Page 3

The launch of Christians on the Left is an exciting new chapter in UK politics and this is your chance to be part of the team that writes it.  Elections are taking place for various positions in the officer group and executive committee and we are seeking nominations from among the membership for the following posts: · · · · · National Secretary Political Communications Officer Vice Chair National EC members (two) National Regional Representatives for the o North West o South East o South West o Wales o West Midlands o Yorkshire and the Humber Terms of office are for four years and more details about the responsibilities of officers and EC members can be obtained through the Christians on the Left office. Nominations for each of the above positions must be made no later than .  Only fully paid up members can be put forward for nomination or make nominations. If two or more valid nominations are made for the same position, under the terms of constitutional changes agreed at the 2013 AGM, there will be an election at the A member who is unable to attend the AGM in person may vote by proxy. If you want to vote by proxy you need to apply in writing or by e-mail to the Christians on the Left office no later than , stating the reason why you are unable to attend the AGM in person. Further details and rules for voting will be circulated with the papers and agenda for the AGM. Results will be announced at the Annual General Meeting or as soon as possible afterwards. Get nominating!