The Commited MAY 2020 | Page 93


Should Humans Colonise Other Planets To Avoid Doomsday Scenario On Earth ?


Colonising other planets are not as easy as you think . It requires the widest budget , high number of resources and plenty of time . Now almost all our people think as if it is a good idea . There are many reasons why they think that way .
Many of the important people think that resources on earth have decreased so , we need more resources to divert to the earth and save humanity . Otherwise , we have polluted our air and water too much that made our planet impossible to live in . Are these good excuses ?
Certainly , they are not . The first example is a total myth . The current water resources on the earth are plenty , and almost all of the world ’ s population can get clean water except Africa . Even now the United Nations will have delivered clean water around the world by 2050 .
We are worried about our polluted air and oceans because it would make our lives worse . However , below Mars ’ s surface there is clean water ice . We cannot make our water more polluted and more acidic than Mars , even if we nuke our own oceans .
Finally , we can colonise other planets to get resources and divert them to the earth . That would be very profitable without any negative consequences . Abandoning the Earth and moving to Mars can be overrated and useless . Instead , we should discover more liveable planets than Mars and the Earth to live on or protect the Earth .