We mostly consider death as a frightening
thing, right? “Is there really an afterlife?
Am I going to go to hell or heaven?”. These
are the questions we all probably ask
ourselves. But what if we didn’t have to
think about them? What if there was a way
not to die? A way like immortality…
If you had to choose right now, how long
would you like to live? 70 years? 80? Or
maybe…forever? The first time you hear
it, immortality may sound pretty exciting,
but when we start thinking a little more
realistically, we can easily realize that it
is not that exciting at all. So, let’s take a
closer look, shall we?
What may be the possible results of
immortality? First of all, as nobody would
die, the world wouldn’t be enough for all
the people. And since all the resources
are limited, governments would make a
law about not to pullulate anymore. If
they don’t make a law like this, we would
probably be living on Mars or the Moon.
Nobody would care about being a good
person, because they are not going to
be judged about what they did on earth,
simply because they won’t ever die.
For example, think of a little girl playing
outside, and her mom tells her to come
and sleep. She wouldn’t want to go, right?
But not because she wants to play that
game forever, just because she wants to
play a little more. So maybe if we expand
our lifespan just a little more for those
who want to live a little longer, it would be
better than immortality.
To conclude: should we develop
technology which makes us immortal?
When we gather all these pros and cons
together, it is evident that immortality isn’t
exactly as good as it sounds. Because after
all, isn’t living “efficiently” more important
than living “longer”?