The Commited JUNE 2023 | Page 30




Eda Özakdağ

Barriers have an impact on everyone ’ s life whether they are rich or poor , young or old , male or female . We face very different types , at different times and in varying intensity . However , as a student myself , I would like to deal with especially those affecting students .
Most students want to get high grades , and therefore , they attend classes , study as much as they can so that they can get the test scores they want to attain . That might make you think that it always turns out as expected , yet it is not as easy as it appears to be .
For one thing , students don ’ t try to do their best just because they want to get better grades or pass their courses . Rather , they want to be successful as they don ’ t want to embarrass their parents . They want to reap the harvest of their hard work . They struggle in sweat and tears for their goals . This is an extremely exhausting process both physically and mentally for all the students . Have you ever considered the consequences of such pressure on their bodies and minds ? Students have various physical disorders resulting from the stress caused by such hard work . They also lose their faith in themselves if they fail to get what they expect on their exams . They feel desperate and this sometimes causes them to give up . In turn , this leads to youngsters growing up to the type of people who always avoid obstacles .
However , we should never forget that we can never overcome the obstacles we face if we don ’ t give it a try . As the quote from Enid Blyton , an English children literature writer , points out : “ The best way to treat obstacles is to use them as stepping stones . Laugh at them , tread on them and let them lead you to something better .” We will always have obstacles to cope with in our lives and we need to overcome them and be proud of ourselves .