The Commited JUNE 2023 | Page 28


Change : Simple or Hard ?

Ebrar Göbel

When it comes to making a change in our lives , there are only two obstacles we all need to overcome : to get started and to keep on going . If you ’ re getting old and want to start getting your health back or if you have just got divorced and have to start afresh , change is as simple as knowing how to start and keep yourself moving forward .
However , as simple as this may sound , we all know that change isn ’ t quite that easy . As a matter of fact , given that you ’ ve probably given up on a change or two in your life , making change , no matter how small it is , is one of the most difficult things you will do in your life .
But why is it that change is so hard ? Is it because , deep down inside , we secretly don ’ t want change to happen ? Unlikely . Is it because we ’ re used to clichés ? Probably not .
There are a number of reasons why change is tough . And while we can ’ t go in depth on all of them , what we can do is , start from the very beginning , because it ’ s a very good place to start .
When we start down the path to change , we believe that we can see into the future , knowing that things are going to be smooth and steady as we pursue our goal . As an example , think of the last time you started an exercise program . I ’ m sure when you started , you thought of the path in a very direct way :
1 . Join the gym 2 . Go to your workouts every day 3 . Lose weight
This is an unrealistic plan and you hope that change will happen in a direct way . However , as we ’ ve all experienced at one point or another , change is much less predictable than we imagine with obstacles to overcome along the way .
You can make change happen in your life if you choose to do so . Change seems simple : get started then keep going . However , as we ’ ve pointed out here , change is not easy . It ’ s up for you to decide if you ’ re going to settle for the less and common or push to the best version of yourself possible . Just take the barriers as steps to create a better version of you .