The Commited JUNE 2023 | Page 23


Physical Disabilities : My Experience

Eylül Duru Çalışkan

I am pretty sure you all see physically disabled people on the streets on a daily basis . The ones in a wheelchair or maybe the ones who have a “ funny ” walk ; disabled people take up a big portion of our society . But have you ever wondered what it is like to be in their shoes ? In my case , it never crossed my mind until I was diagnosed with a physical problem myself .
It all started innocently , just a twinge of pain in my hip . Then , it escalated so much that I found myself sitting in the hospital waiting room at 9 in the morning . The doctor did a physical examination on me and did not find any problems . Hence , I was sent to the X-Ray room for further examination . That was not enough either , so the doctor requested an MRI . I was a bit freaked out at first , but after the procedure , I found it quite therapeutic . Finally , after going to a rheumatologist , I was diagnosed with spondylitis , which was a genetic issue . Thankfully , it was not anything too serious , so I was prescribed medication and advised to rest .
This whole experience made me realize some things in myself . First of all , health is the number one priority for a quality life . I never thought that being able to walk freely , sit or sleep without pain would be such a blessing . I feel like these small instances are things you never cherish until you lose them . Now during my healing process , I am truly grateful for being able to slowly return to my daily life and routine . Second thing is , obstacles or disabilities could be easier to overcome than you would think . However , it definitely requires some patience and dedication . So , whenever you come across a problem , do not panic and believe that you can overcome it . Also , stay safe and healthy !