The Commited JUNE 2022 | Page 85


What is Digital Citizenship ?

Birce Naz ARKOÇ

Today , billions of people all over the world communicate with each other by using different kinds of technologies . This interaction has created a digital society where people can have many opportunities for education , employment , entertainment , and social interaction .
Simply we can define it as the ability to access digital technologies and stay safe . We also need to understand and be aware of the complexities of citizenship when we start using digital media and participate in digital society . In other words , “ digital citizenship is the ability to safely and responsibly access digital technologies , as well as being an active and respectful member of society , both online and offline ”.
A digital citizen is a person who develops the skills and knowledge to effectively use the Internet and digital technologies . They ’ re also people who use digital technologies and the Internet in appropriate and responsible ways to engage and participate in society and politics . So , anyone who uses modern digital technology can be considered a digital citizen .
Why is digital citizenship important ?
Day by day digital citizenship is becoming a critical part of our lives because people in every age participate meaningfully in our digital society , so it is becoming a necessity . In this sense , it doesn ’ t matter what