The Commited JUNE 2022 | Page 84


A Digital Citizen

özüm öyküm ERDEMİR

Digital citizenship can be defined in many ways . At its core , it is a concept that focuses on educating parents , students , teachers , and technology leaders in the appropriate use of technology . In other words , people have to learn to be digital citizens .
Being a good digital citizen means demonstrating and practising the safe , responsible and legal use of technology . A good digital citizen is someone who understands the rights and obligations of being online and uses technology in a positive way .
We have to respect others and use common sense to create a safer online world !
A good digital citizen ;
• advocates for equal human rights for all .
• treats others kindly and never digitally bullies
• never attacks or damages the property or information of others .
• communicates openly , respectfully and empathetically .
• actively participates in trainings and develops learning habits .