The Commited JUNE 2022 | Page 60

can go shopping in the digital versions of the stores of several well-known brands , socialize with your friends , go to your work meetings , buy digital versions of lands for investment and even travel the world without even moving your feet ! This is only the tip of the iceberg . There are many other mind-blowing opportunities that the Metaverse provides .
The Metaverse could seem like a revolutionary idea that will theoretically have remarkable benefits to humankind , but it is still an unfamiliar and unique subject as a whole . Therefore , a survey was set out by the customer service platform Tidio , to see how people perceive the concept of Metaverse . 3 The statistics of the survey was quite shocking ; a vast majority of respondents ( 77 %) believe that the metaverse can cause serious harm to modern society . The most popular potential issues reported by the respondents were addiction to a simulated reality , privacy issues and mental health issues . In addition , 46 % of these people stated that people will probably start to live and coexist mainly in the metaverse after 10 years of its release . 3 Hence , despite how fascinating it is , Metaverse is still a concept that citizens of the digital world haven ’ t encountered before and accordingly , people are not precisely reassured that it could actually be useful and efficacious for the humankind . As I have mentioned previously , as Facebook is planning to take steps for the sake of holding a place in the Metaverse , other big companies such as Apple , Google , Microsoft and even Disney are also thought to be working on the development of Metaverse in the near future . 4 This idea makes me believe that the Metaverse will take a conspicuous place in all of our lives at some point , so the impact of Metaverse on our lives and the future seem inevitable . The Metaverse could be beneficial in several fields such as education , money investment and entertainment , but I wonder : Will the advantages be able to succeed in outweighing the disadvantages ?
Sources :
1 . https :// www . usatoday . com / story / tech / 2021 / 10 / 28 / facebook-meta-name-change-metaverse-instagram-whatsapp-zuckerberg / 6180303001 / 2 . https :// www . business-live . co . uk / technology / what-metaverse-how-change-world-22643376 3 . https :// www . pcmag . com / news / metaverse-predictions-it-will-be-harmful-addictive-and-inevitable 4 . https :// www . xrtoday . com / virtual-reality / who-is-building-the-metaverse-a-group-of-160-companies-and-you /
https :// icdn . turkiyegazetesi . com . tr / images / haberler / 2021 _ 10 / buyuk / gercek-hayat-ile-sanal-dunya-birlesiyor-paralel-evren-metaverse-1635556529 . jpg ( First Image ) https :// talkstar-assets . s3 . amazonaws . com / production / playlists / playlist _ 26 / d03bb950-a4e4-45fa-8f8d-ee02c709af89 / our _ digital _ lives _ SQ . jpg ( Second Image )