The Commited JUNE 2022 | Page 50


Impact of Digitalization on State Authority


The digital world that we are exposed to has great effects on our lives . So , what is this digitalization and its effects ? The digital world is a virtual world that has become a part of our lives . Deauthorized state , corrupt society , unhappy people are the effects of digitalization . So , if we consider this virtualization in terms of its effects on state authority , what can we conclude ?
Digitalization adversely affects state authority because it promotes globalization and destatementization . We all know how difficult it is to protect the values and principles of society against the digitalizing world . In addition to protecting our values and principles , one of the problems caused by digitalization is not being able to protect our traditions . In this sense , religion might be one of the ways to keep a society that has moved away from its traditions , but this may cause religious corruption . Digitalization can also be a tool for powerful states to reduce state authority on weak states and lead them to corruption . This is , certainly , one of the goals of imperialism , but a humanitarian can ’ t support this . Globalization makes people unhappy because global capitalism makes people think they should have more . Most of the time , digitalization has great effects on people individually , but the spread of these effects is facilitated by digitalization and leads to social corruption . These effects can take many different forms . People become lonely by getting away from their traditions , beliefs , and families , and they choose to satisfy their desire to feel belonging in wrong ways or to suppression , which can lead to suicide sometimes . Such situations create social problems . These problems can cause states to lose authority and drift into anarchy . Another effect of digitalization is the currency . Money is very important for the state ’ s authority , but virtual currency units hamper the state ’ s ability to print money and maintain control . This is one of the situations that undermine the authority of the state economically .
As a result , we have seen that there is economy , society , and politics . In my opinion , a state that loses its political power is open to foreign interventions and thus suffers the inevitable consequences of social corruption and economically collapses .