The Commited JUNE 2022 | Page 45



Fatma Azra YAŞA

Have you ever imagined how the life we are experiencing right now will be different and what the future will bring us ? As technology develops , new life options , new opportunities , and new dimensions are being created by tech companies . Not only tech companies support this move but also other different associations assist and look forward to these developments . For instance , Microsoft and Facebook have made some investments in Metaverse . Besides , if you are playing online games or ever joined any online concerts , shows or even if you are into bitcoin and crypto money , you are already into the universe of the Metaverse .
So , what exactly is Metaverse ? The word “ Metaverse ” is a combination of the words “ meta- ” and “ verse ”. The prefix “ meta ” is of Greek origin and means “ beyond ”, while “ verse ” is derived from the term “ universe .”. The term was originally used in Neal Stephenson ’ s cyberpunk novel Snow Crash , published in 1992 . The protagonist of the novel is a hacker who can travel between a dystopian Los Angeles and the ‘ Metaverse ,’ a virtual environment in which avatars interact . The Oxford English Dictionary now defines Metaverse as a “ virtualreality space in which users may engage with a computer-generated environment and other users ” as a virtual-reality space where users can interact with the computer-generated environment and other users . So , Stephenson wasn ’ t far off the mark .
“ The Metaverse is a massively scaled and interoperable network of real-time rendered 3D virtual worlds which can be experienced synchronously and persistently by an effectively unlimited number of users with an individual sense of presence , and with continuity of data , such as identity , history , entitlements , objects , communications , and payments ,” defines venture capitalist Matthew Ball in the foreword of his outstanding nine-part essay on the Metaverse . I want to mention that Metaverse is not only going to make online games better , it will be the new Internet and replace it . Because Metaverse is constantly developing , there is every possibility that it will be much grander and more immersive by the time it becomes a reality than how it is being imagined today .