The Commited JUNE 2022 | Page 191


Potential Harms Of Digitalization

Hazan Lara aLTuNKaYa

Digitalization , a term used to refer to the introduction and use of computers and the Internet , is an everyday reality in many communities and households , and it has the potential to make our world a better place or worse . Digitalization has the potential to create many benefits . It has made our lives easier and convenient in many ways . It has provided us with entertainment , education and information at the click of a button . But it also has the potential to cause harm .
One form of harm that can result from digitalization is cyberbullying . Cyberbullying is one of the most common forms of bullying today . Cyberbullying is often a way for those who are bored or have nothing better to do to get a thrill . Cyberbullying is a growing problem in today ’ s society , and it can have serious long-term effects on the victims . A victim of cyberbullying may feel embarrassed , isolated , and depressed .
Another potential harm of digitalization is data security . Data security is an important issue today , and it will become even more so in the future as we continue to digitize more aspects of our lives . The data we store in our computers and on our mobile devices can give unauthorized users access to our personal information , which can be used for identity theft .
In conclusion , digitalization has become a part of our lives . So , we should be more sensitive to the negatives that come with it and not get swept away by its benefits . We should also be aware of the potential for harm that it can cause , and we should try to minimize the negative effects that it has in our lives . Digitalization has the potential to make our world a better place , but it also has the potential to make our world worse .