The Commited JUNE 2022 | Page 182

Fostering digital citizenship : skills vs . dispositions
So , how can educators integrate these principles into the online classroom ?
On the one hand , they could be approached practically by focusing on skills – for example , the ‘ nine Ps ’, which cover passwords , private information , personal information , photographs , property , permission , protection , professionalism and personal brand . The following are recommendations for dispositions to be cultivated , along with suitable activities that can be practised in the online classroom . These allow for broad application across the principles of digital etiquette , rights and responsibility , and fluency , and can be adapted by the educator as needed .
1 . Being self-reflective and metacognitive : This means getting learners to habitually reflect on their thoughts and perceptions , and to ‘ think about their thinking ’ when engaging online .
2 . Remaining open-minded and curious : This disposition builds on the previous one . It means habitually looking beyond what is given , exploring alternative perspectives , and having a bias toward constructive discourse and inquiry when engaging online .
• Socratic seminars : Socratic seminars provide a useful format for student-led classroom discussions . Here , learners participate in a dialogue around a ‘ text ’ by asking and answering open-ended questions .
References :
• For instance , this activity could expand on the previous examples – i . e . how to conduct online debates around sensitive topics or allow for diverse perspectives in online spaces . It could also be used to encourage inquiry around various digital information sources .
• The goal is ultimately for learners to listen to others , find common ground and make meaning collaboratively , rather than to impose their views on others or win arguments .
3 . Seeking clarity and being intellectual vigilant : This means exercising healthy scepticism , probing assumption , asking difficult questions , seeking balanced views , and remaining alert to superficiality , vagueness , inconsistency and inaccuracy ( Perkins and Tishman , 2006 ).
Finally , these probing questions and information sources can be collated in a communal class repository , which can be expanded over time . In this way , learners are also given the opportunity to be ‘ teachers ’, and can establish shared values around their consumption of , and interaction with , digital media . By using these dispositional approaches to teaching digital citizenship , educators can equip their learners with a robust framework for thinking , rather than a simple toolbox of skills . With consistent practice , these activities should foster meaningful ( i . e . positive , critical and ethical ) real-world interactions – in the online classroom and beyond .
Eicher , J . ( 2020 ), “ Digital citizenship education : Equipping effective ‘ digizens ’ in the online classroom ”( website ), https :// edgeeducation . com / digital-citizenship-education-equipping-effectivedigizens-in-the-online-classroom /, accessed 02 Januray 2022 .
Council of Europe [ website ] ‘ Digital Citizenship and Digital Citizenship Education ’. < https :// www . coe . int / en / web / digital-citizenship-education / digital-citizenship-and-digital-citizenshipeducation > accessed 1 October 2020 .
DataReportal [ website ] ( 2020 ), ‘ Digital 2020 : Global Digital Overview ’. < https :// datareportal . com / reports / digital-2020-global-digital-overview > accessed 16 October 2020 .
Davis , V . ( 2017 ), ‘ What Your Students Really Need to Know About Digital Citizenship ’. Edutopia [ website ] < https :// www . edutopia . org / blog / digital-citizenship-need-to-know-vicki-davis > accessed 2 October 2020 .
Heick , T . ( 2020 ), ‘ The Definition of Digital Citizenship ’. TeachThought [ website ] < https :// www . teachthought . com / the-future-of-learning / the-definition-of-digital-citzenship /> accessed 9 October 2020 .
ISTE ( 2016 ), ‘ Digital Citizenship Defined : Teach The 9 Elements To Enhance Students ’ Safety , Creativity And Empathy ’. ISTE [ website ] < https :// otis . coe . uky . edu / DDL / Digital _ Citizenship _ Downloadable _ 10-2016 _ v11 _ web . pdf > accessed 9 October 2020 .
Perkins , D . N . and Tishman , S . ( 2006 ), ‘ Learning that matters : Toward a Dispositional Perspective on Education and its Research Needs ’. Harvard Graduate School of Education [ website ] < http :// www . pz . harvard . edu / sites / default / files / Learning % 20that % 20Matters . pdf > accessed 20 October 2020 .