The Commited JUNE 2022 | Page 156


Digital Citizenship anousheh GHAzBAN

Have you ever heard the term “ Digital Citizenship ”? What do you think about it ? Do you think you are a respectful digital citizen ?
We define digital citizenship as using digital tools and the Internet in a responsible and safe method . In order to be a good digital citizen , we all need to know the elements of digital citizenship . First of all , keeping your password data safe is the one of the most important steps , so try to use a strong password for your accounts , because hackers may hack into your accounts and steal your personal information . Secondly , you should be careful about the chats you have on the Internet . If you are chatting to a person that you don ’ t really know , you shouldn ’ t share your personal information , like home address , phone number , ID number , private pictures etc . Thirdly , be respectful while you are posting , for instance while you are posting on Twitter , you should choose your words carefully . you can also engage in online service and e-commerce . Online shopping is the most common example of this , so we have lots of benefits of digital citizenship .
Basically , being a nice digital citizen means you are respectful and comfortable wherever you go online .
Given this you may say to yourself digital citizenship has only negative points and has no positive points , but the Internet has as many useful things as its negative sides . Proverbially , one of the most important benefits is faster communication . With the help of the Internet , instead of sending letters , we can send emails quickly . The other advantage is being a good source of information and gives you a lot of knowledge and data about anything that you need . Thanks to the Internet ,