The Commited JUNE 2022 | Page 123


Digital Citizenship

ada Nil ÇöKLÜ

In the last two decades , our lives have changed drastically with the introduction of the smart phones and the Internet . Now , we are living in two different worlds , the real world and the digital world . Everyone knows what citizenship means but what is digital citizenship ?
The Council of Europe describes Digital citizenship as “ the ability to engage positively , critically and competently in the digital environment , drawing on the skills of effective communication and creation , to practice forms of social participation that are respectful of human rights and dignity through the responsible use of technology ”. A lot of people have access to the digital environment but not everybody is a digital citizen . Some people are not respectful and responsible . This causes negative effects in topics like ethics and human rights . For instance , on the social platforms people find it easier to express themselves and they say whatever they want to say , because they have the impression that they are invisible but that is not true . Cybersecurity plays an important role in the digital environment ; however , it is not easy to access for everyone . These problems make you doubt the quality of a digital citizens lives while socializing digitally .
We are engaged in the digital world more and more , every day . It seems like in the future we ’ ll be calling the digital world our real world . If we want a safe and a fair world I think we should educate people about how to be a digital citizen .