The Commited JUNE 2022 | Page 80


Digital Footprint

Samed özMEN

It is an obvious fact that the Internet is becoming more popular year by year . Besides , we have a tendency to share our information more and more every day because we want to get a job , make some friends , and look much more beautiful than others . Nevertheless , we leave a digital footprint behind us that we do not even know .
Firstly , people create their own digital footprint . Digital footprint includes the data of everything we do on the Internet . Digital footprints can be classified as either passive or active . Additionally , websites you browse keep track of your device information such as location , device model , etc , to be used later on for marketing and statistical purposes . Furthermore , this information is stored in cookies and cookies are an example of a passive footprint . Finally , the information we publish willingly , such as our social media posts is called an active footprint .
To conclude , this is where digital citizenship comes in . The way you behave and share is what creates your digital profile , hence your citizenship . It is believed that in the very near future , you will be solely judged by your digital citizenship first . Nearly all your actions are recorded and tracked , I believe that it is highly crucial to act ethically and responsibly towards other users .
On the other hand , digital footprints can be useful and harmful in many ways . For instance , when we applied to universities or various companies with our personal information , they can use that information for their own good . The worst part of this is that these providers can access this information whenever they want .