while child predators and discriminatory people remain present on these digital platforms despite getting thousands of reports daily .
Another thing related to maintaining dignity and ethics on digital platforms is the topic of the generation that indirectly rules social media : Gen Z . As a Gen Z member , myself I must say I love our generation ( most of the time …). However , the problem is that Gen Z is very sensitive and insensitive at the same time , which is the main reason why we tend to focus on the wrong side of things when it comes to maintaining dignity and ethics , making it seem like fraud . An example to this would be how Gen Z people seem to throw a tantrum over the lack of trigger warnings on a cooking video and yet they will do absolutely nothing about the people of color being abused on social media . Rioting against discriminatory content and defending human dignity and ethics is incredibly important on digital platforms ; however , people often choose the wrong things to defend like I said before . We have the power to change so many things , especially when it comes to social media and digital platforms ; however , no one is willing to do much unless it directly profits them , which goes against the morals of dignity in the first place .
The one thing I do agree with however on the “ we should focus on our similarities ” argument is the fact that there really are billions of people living on the same planet as us . We do share the same sky , the same air , the same planet . So , what makes us feel the need to act so self-centered especially around digital platforms ? As Jimi Hendrix one said , “ when the power of love overcomes the love of power , the world will know peace .”
In order to overcome the abuse of persona masking and the invalidation of ethics and dignity , we must first accept the fact that different opinions exist , and they will continue to exist especially on social media . No one has to agree or disagree with anybody , but just let each other exist . The only opinions that should be invalidated are the ones that directly harm other people . I have heard many people say that if we focus on our similarities rather than our differences , we can find a way to be more accepting . I could not disagree more . The thing that causes discrimination in the first place in not accepting the fact that we are different . We cannot just solve issues ( especially an issue that is spread out in such a vast space like a digital platform ) by pretending we are all the same . The thing that will actually help us improve human dignity on digital platforms is coming to terms with the fact that everyone is different and that is okay . That is normal . Nothing and I mean nothing , will be able to change that fact . People need to learn to live together and the only way to do that is through acceptance .