The Commited JUNE 2022 | Page 26


Digital Citizenship

Defne İNCE

In the last few decades , technology has taken over everything in our lives , including our homes , workplaces , transportation , and social lives . Digital Citizenship plays a tremendous role in this . Digital citizenship requires the ability to engage carefully , positively , critically , and competently in a digitally-designed environment . A digital citizen is an individual who uses the Internet regularly and effectively thanks to advantages of technology , and digital citizenship has become an essential requirement in our lives .
Today , it ’ s possible to do anything with digital technology , such as checking your bank account , purchasing items , and posting pictures . Although these make our lives effortless , they can also be extremely dangerous . Therefore , digital citizenship education is necessary for everyone .
Kids nowadays are born into a world of technology . They learn how to live with technology in early ages . This situation results in them being overly connected to the Internet and lacking simple skills . These kids also become digital citizens early on in their lives . Posting on social media , writing reviews , joining communities , and meeting new people online are great examples of this . Things might seem impossible at the moment . However , the things these kids can do with technology are beyond our imagination . At this point we should all consider whether the advantages of using this technology outweighs the disadvantages . By bringing in some digital citizenship education into the schools , we can learn how to avoid the possible dangers of using technology while creating our digital identity .
Digital citizenship is not a part of our lives because of the increase in technology . As time goes on and technology develops more day by day , digital citizenship will become crucial , that ’ s why , everybody must learn how to be a good digital citizen .