The Commited JUNE 2021 | Page 67


My Dream World


We kept staying indoors to protect ourselves . We had to obey the social distance . Coronavirus captured our life like the ivy surrounding a tower , Anyway , I still wish the pandemic was over . I hope the pandemic is something we won ’ t again need to face , Wish to be in nature , hang out with friends , and travel as in the old days .
In 2040 , there may be lack of water , They say scarcity can cause disorder . We saw some beautiful things , the next generations may not , Some try to save the earth , but policy makers do not .
Lack of water brings along to plants ’ death , Which isn ’ t the only faith on the plants ’ path . We are all guilty for how the world is now . We can ’ t return to the first time of the world but we can prevent it from getting worse , From now on , let ’ s work for nature , don ’ t let nature work for us .
Now I ’ m dreaming about a new world with coves , When I go out , I hear the birds ’ singings , not car noise . The surroundings are verdant , the sky is deep blue , Now I ’ m walking on the coast , Trash ? Dead fish ? There is no clue . I ’ m on the pier , I see seagulls flying in the sky , and colourful fish swimming in the sea , I guess , I ’ ve never seen that much of beautiful things in the world where we used to be . I don ’ t want it to remain just in my dreams , Let ’ s make it come true by drawing on how possible it seems .