The Commited JUNE 2021 | Page 63

62 remember your dreams better . It is to a certain extent and cannot help much , considering the effect of norepinephrine . In addition , expectedly , one of the reasons dreams are not mostly remembered is their importance . Most of the time , dream endings tend to be the most fascinating and important part as well as being the part we tend to remember the best . Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex ( DLPFC ) 5 is an important part of the human brain when memories are taken into consideration . Most of the remembered dreams , the most bizarre ones , tend to take our attention and create activity in our DLPFC . Thus , we may not remember dreams well , because they are not mostly attention-grabbing .
From a comprehensive view , the act of falling asleep is not a consistent action for the brain . Certain parts of the brain slow down while certain parts speed up which allows a variation of rather unrealistic images , sounds or series of events to occur in our mind . There are many beliefs and theories as to why we have dreams , how we have them , and why we cannot remember them . Keep in mind that most of these theories are considered to be controversial . Still , all the complex concepts of dreams are still of big importance and inspiration for people , whether it is music , screenwriting , or poetry .
“ The Mind , Explained .” Netflix Official Site , 12 Sept . 2019 , www . netflix . com / watch / 81062189 ? trackId = 13752289 & tctx- = 0 % 2C1 % 2C7554da13a08bc9f7fb525bc9ceef1c1 1f11fa95f % 3A277ebe79100ede4619d2cb42fd05c- 2c9d230eb52 % 2C7554da13a08bc9f7fb525bc9ceef- 1c11f11fa95f % 3A277ebe79100ede4619d2cb42fd05c- 2c9d230eb52 % 2Cunknown % 2C .
BIBLIOGRAPHY Cherry , Kendra . What Do Your Dreams Really Mean ? www . verywellmind . com / dream-interpretation-what-do-dreams-mean-2 795930 # popularizing-dream-interpretation .
Hartmann , Ernest . “ Why Do Memories of Vivid Dreams Disappear Soon After Waking Up ?” Scientific American , Scientific American , 1 May 2011 , www . scientificamerican . com / article / why-do-memories-of-vivid-dreams /#:~: text = WE % 20 FORGET % 20almost % 20all % 20dreams , rapid % 20eye % 20 movements % 20and % 20dreaming .& text = The % 20dreaming % - 2Freverie % 20end % 20involves , and % 20 % E2 % 80 % 9Cfar % 20 out % E2 % 80 % 9D % 20material .
“ Norepinephrine .” Encyclopædia Britannica , Encyclopædia Britannica , Inc ., www . britannica . com / science / norepinephrine . “ The Mind , Explained .” Netflix Official Site , 12 Sept . 2019 , www . netflix . com / watch / 81062189 ? trackId = 13752289 & tctx- = 0 % 2C1 % 2C7554da13a08bc9f7fb525bc9ceef1c1 1f11fa95f % 3A277ebe79100ede4619d2cb42fd05c- 2c9d230eb52 % 2C7554da13a08bc9f7fb525bc9ceef- 1c11f11fa95f % 3A277ebe79100ede4619d2cb42fd05c- 2c9d230eb52 % 2Cunknown % 2C .
“ REM Sleep Behavior Disorder .” Mayo Clinic , Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research , 18 Jan . 2018 , www . mayoclinic . org / diseases-conditions / rem-sleep-behavior-disorder / symptoms-causes / syc-20352920 #:~: text = Rapid % 20eye % 20 movement % 20 ( REM )% 20sleep , sometimes % 20called % 20 dream % 2Denacting % 20behavior .
5 Hartmann , Ernest . “ Why Do Memories of Vivid Dreams Disappear Soon After Waking Up ?” Scientific American , Scientific American , 1 May 2011 , www . scientificamerican . com / article / why-do-memories-of-vivid-dreams /#:~: text = WE % 20FORGET % 20almost % 20all % 20dreams , rapid % 20eye % 20movements % 20 and % 20dreaming .& text = The % 20dreaming % 2Freverie % 20end % 20involves , and % 20 % E2 % 80 % 9Cfar % 20out % E2 % 80 % 9D % 20material .