The Commited JUNE 2021 | Page 4


For this year ’ s edition of CommitTED we have simply provided our writers with a concept , that of ‘ dreams ’ and invited them to respond to and interpret it in any way they choose .
Of course , the notion of ‘ dreams ’ immediately divides into two branches of interpretation . In the first , students may approach the theme with a literal definition of a ‘ dream ’ as a succession of images that emerge in the mind while sleeping . By perceiving the concept of ‘ dreams ’ in this way , our students were given the opportunity to give full freedom to their storytelling skills when recounting meaningful , portentous , amusing , bizarre or surreal dreams they had experienced . As the very earliest verbal means of social or group bonding , the ability to tell a story well is still a hugely important one and it was good the see that our students have honed this most vital of social skills to an impressive degree . Given that the memory is unreliable and the details of the previous night ’ s dream can so easily slide away upon waking , our students also needed to use their creativity to recall , piece together and provide narrative coherence to their stories . It should also be remembered that , altough the theme of ‘ dreams ’ might suggest a positive interpretation , students were also given scope to describe nightmares , by expressing their deepest fears and anxieties regarding the present and the future .
The second reaction to the theme was to interpret ‘ dreams ’ as future-oriented ambitions or aspirations . In this volume we see that our students ’ ‘ dreams ’ in this respect are often of a truly inspirational and uplifting nature . On a micro level , students recounted what they hope to achieve during their own personal lives . It was heartening here to get a measure of our students ’ ambition and the heartfelt belief and confidence that they will be able to truly make a significant difference in life . On a macro level , students were able to articulate their hopes , ambitions and positive wishes for their society , country , or humankind more generally . During a time when the whole world is collectively going through the same apprehensions and uncertainties , this global attention to the condition of our common humanity allowed us to glimpse an impressive level of maturity and empathy among our students .
Despite going through a year of unprecendented upheaval and disruption in their own lives ( and also in the lives of their parents and teachers ), the level of positivity , energy and optimism which our students have revealed in this collection is both reassuring and cheering .
All this makes for an especially interesting edition of CommitTED where our students have responded to the theme with creativity , originality and , above all else , in a deeply personal and individual way . The sheer variety of contributions in this volume make it a particulary memorable one which is entirely fitting for the 10th year of the CommitTED journey .
To conclude with Paulo Coelho from his novel , ‘ The Pilgrimage ’:
“ We must never stop dreaming . Dreams provide nourishment for the soul , just as a meal does for the body .”

From the Editorial Board