The Commited JUNE 2021 | Page 36



Zeynep Mira UTKU

To dream , to hope Oh how beautiful to believe , to desire Like looking up to the sky filled with countless stars Like feeling the touch of sand on your bare skin Or filling your lungs with the cold , crispy air . To fill your mind with warm thoughts and cover yourself with a blanket of yearning . The thought of infinite possibility coursing through your veins , Your heart beating for you to find your purpose , Your legs climbing up the high mountain to reach that sparkle you feel in your bones , Arms reaching up to find the magic , the warmth . Don ’ t you dare let go , don ’ t you elope Don ’ t let the rock sand and steep path lose yourself Hear a far away friend saying that ; The storm will go away soon enough , And the tears in your eyes will fade , your shattered heart will heal . Rest and breath , lie down and sleep Just admire how far you ’ ve come The person you so wanted to be becoming reality . Now look up again To that high , beautiful , limitless mountain of shades of colour and never-ending sunshine . A place filled with euphoria , hankering , tragedy and peace . A silent , satisfied look it gave you It knows what you have to do , and you do . And for the last time , you get up .