The Commited JUNE 2021 | Page 166


Dreams - Two Sides Of A Coin


Dreaming has been an indispensable activity for people since the beginning of humankind . Thanks to this activity , people have increased their creativity and found new ideas to develop our civilization . By this way , humanity has had a pace and reached the current level with the inventions and innovations that they have made throughout history . Although imagination and dreaming have many advantages , many disadvantages may exist , too . People may waste their time and become lazier if they spend all their time by dreaming of the things that are not available to modify into reality . In addition , they may also move away from their perception of reality and lose their ability to differentiate the concrete realities of life and dreams .
It is very important what we dream of , as people ’ s way of dreaming and the limits of their dreams about life are likely to determine their future . Of course , the dreams ought to be based on a solid ground and the environment around should provide rational opportunities ; otherwise , our dreams may turn into our prison cells .
For instance , during the establishment of current giant companies like Facebook , Google or Amazon , they were all just an idea at first and most probably , the same ideas may have appeared on different people ’ s minds , too . Nonetheless , the ones who had opportunities and enough courage in parallel with their ideas have achieved their goals . One important thing at this point is to get out of your comfort zone and make dreams come true and the other important point is to have a rational and feasible idea . It is impossible to imagine a person who has a dream of establishing a technology company without any technological background or knowledge .
On one hand , a person who has big dreams and wants to be successful may try to reach his goals with his certain efforts and capability in the field he dreams of . On the other hand , if a person exaggerates his capabilities or wants more than he is ever able to do , most probably this person could not reach his goals . In this way , he would be drawn into a vortex of his dreams that he could never realize . As a result , he starts to feel useless and unsuccessful as he unconsciously thinks that he is in a psychological cage . After a while the same person will not have any dreams or hope for his future as he is taught to be unsuccessful within his unconscious mind .
Consequently , dreaming is important to increase our productivity and it is actually a superpower to enlarge our vision as long as we are able to use it in a balanced way and be aware of our potential . Only this way , it becomes a real power and triggers us to continue and realize what we dream of .