The Commited JUNE 2021 | Page 155



Elif Deniz TÜRKMEN

There are two meanings of dreams .
The first meaning is the real meaning of dreams . You have it while you are sleeping , and it has two types : Good dreams and nightmares . Someone sees that they have a good life , good relationships , lots of toys , getting something that they want , like a phone , a computer , a pet , toys , jewelry , or expensive bags in their good dreams . Actually , dreams shape what you want to be or what you want to get . If you want something , you can have it while you are sleeping , but it is not permanent . Sometimes , when you have a dream about what you want , you don ’ t want to wake up and you want to go back to sleep . Occasionally when you wake up while you are having a good dream , you try to get back to sleep again , because you want it to become a reality , and we have bad dreams , nightmares . Everyone is afraid of at least one thing . Many people have nightmares about what they are afraid of . Like a punishment , poverty , clowns , loneliness , darkness , murders , thieves , death or losing people who are valuable for them , these are the cliché fears . When you have a nightmare , you want to wake up , because you don ’ t want to torment yourself .
The second meaning is the one when you see you are awake . It is really strong , like you really wish something , and it can be like getting better from an illness . If you are obsessed with seeing something , good or bad , it doesn ’ t matter , it can happen to you .
In short , you have control over your dreams . If you really want to do something , do not dream it or go back to sleep , wake up and do it , because nobody will do it for you , do not forget this .