The Commited JUNE 2021 | Page 141


Dreams About The World


Of course , we all have dreams , dreams for our future , dreams about the world ; but I think we should put our dreams about the world ahead of our own dreams and put these dreams into practice . In addition , we have the power to do it . For example , the world is nearly 70 % covered by water , but only 2.5 % of it is useable . If we don ’ t limit ourselves , we will run out of that 2.5 % by 2040 .
There are many things everyone can do . We can take shorter showers , turn off the water while brushing our teeth / shaving and many other things . But sadly , water shortage is not the only problem that our world has . As another example there ’ s air pollution . To reduce air pollution , firstly we should plant more trees but other than that , we can ride a bike or walk instead of driving , we can use more public transformation and etc . And now , let ’ s dream about a life without Covid-19 . I feel like it was centuries ago that it even feels weird when I say that but we had a life without it . And if we want to go back to these days , we have to follow some rules . We must wear a mask before going out , we should wash our hands frequently , we should use a hand sanitizer , we must keep the social distance frequently .
I ’ m sure we have many other problems but if we try to talk about all of them at once , it wouldn ’ t be easy . However , no matter what , we must use things / sources economically . Because , if we don ’ t put our dreams about the world ahead of our own dreams , we won ’ t be able to achieve them .