The Commited JUNE 2021 | Page 135


Follow Your Dreams


One of the most important things in life is to have a dream . Dreaming is seeing yourself somewhere and believing that you can reach it after some effort . Dreams will come true in time with hard work , patience , and persistence .
Dreams are essential to survive . Man dreamt about flying and invented the aeroplane . Man dreamt about travelling to space and landed on the moon . It is only when you dream big wholeheartedly , then you will be able to achieve big . Martin Luther King said , “ I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character .” It was the way to achieve the equality between white and black in the USA .
Everybody has a dream in life , my dream is to become a professional violinist and give concerts all around the world . I want , especially , to give concerts in the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra Building and Boston Symphony Hall . I have another dream , that is to play with Fazıl Say , who is one of the best pianists in the world . I have been developing myself both theoretically and practically about the violin to make my dreams come true .
Dreams are not enough to succeed in life . A dream needs work and persistence . I have set a plan for my life ; I believe that organizing my time and practicing day and night will be the way to reach my goals . I have already started to follow the steps of great violinists and learnt a lot from them . Life is full of ups and downs but I should never give up .
In conclusion , everything in life starts from a small dream . Never lose hope and have faith in what you are doing . Believe in yourself and remember that the declaration of the Turkish republic was once a dream of the father of Turks , Ataturk .