The Commited JUNE 2021 | Page 121


Women ’ s Rights


Before civilization , men and women were living together and both were doing important tasks throughout the day to make sure that they were alive and well . And they would share these tasks equally . For example , they would equally help with the house chores . Every gender has different abilities but there is no reason for one ability to be superior to the other . This being the truth , unfortunately we live in a patriarchal world . That ’ s why women come across some difficulties in life .
These difficulties start from childhood . From the time we are born , we are expected to fit societies gender roles . That ’ s why boys and girls are not treated equally and girls can ’ t be as free as boys . For example , girls face more restrictions as to where they can go , how long they can stay out or what they can wear . Then the difficulties continue when they reach school age . Girls can suffer from repression coming from their teachers or their school mates . Difficulties also continue when they embark on work life because they don ’ t get paid the same as men for instance . In the end , it ’ s easy to say they face difficulties throughout their whole life .
There are some stereotypes for women , for example , if she dresses a little “ revealing ” just to make herself feel better , people might think they want to impress men or expect men to pay them attention . These stereotypes restrict women ’ s freedom and they are due to the lack of education . These inequalities are more common in underdeveloped and developing countries . This situation is very frustrating and I hope we can end it with quality education . My dream is that everyone would gain awareness about this topic so the world can be a better place .