The Commited JUNE 2021 | Page 9


Take Action For Your Dreams


Dreams are expectations that represent our demands and wishes throughout our lives . They help us to deal with problems , improve ourselves , keep on fighting ; in other words , they lead us to success in the life marathon . Moreover , we are inspired by them to do our best . Most of us want to take action for our dreams . So , how can we motivate ourselves , reach our goals or upgrade our potentials ?
First of all , I want to start with motivation . Motivation is the process that activates , guides and maintains target behavior and it is also the vital key to reach our dreams . So , if you want to motivate yourself you need to see the good side in every situation and keep on being positive . This is the most important aspect of a self-confident person . Make sure you never compare yourself with other people on the way because everyone walks their own path with their own pace . Do only a few lucky people get to reach their goals ? Of course not ! There are some important points to be considered along the way . For example , set achievable goals , always plan things beforehand and review your progress regularly . These steps lead you to success .
On the other hand , you may make lots of mistakes . Try to learn from your mistakes and be loyal to your dreams . As Edison said “ Great success is built on failure , frustration , even catastrophe .” So never give up trying even in the worst crisis . With hard work and determination everything is possible . So are dreams !
To sum up , like Colin Powell says “ Success is the result of perfection , hard work , learning from failure , loyalty and persistence .” Everybody has to take action for their dreams and fight for their goals . This way we can make our journeys more meaningful and worth living .