The Commited JUNE 2021 | Page 61


What Happens To The Brain During Sleep ?


Where do our minds go when we are asleep ? Dreams are a complex part of sleeping . Many people like to perceive dreams in different ways and believe they mean certain things . Some say we see what is going to happen , some say what we see will never happen ; sometimes we see our utmost desires , sometimes our formidable fears . Although it is not yet certain in science , many people perceive dreams and believe they have meaning through different elements from different theories : Symbolization , condensation , secondary revision , and displacement – according to Freud ’ s unconscious mind theory1 . As our mind assembles little pieces of sounds and images from our memories and imagination . What the mind goes through , how and why it goes through are some of the many interesting parts of dreaming .
It has been proposed by scientists before that the dream happens in the few seconds when our mind slowly awakens . With time , that is known to be incorrect . Before going to sleep , the woken mind is incredibly occupied with millions of chattering neurons . The electrical activity of our thoughts creates chaotic electromagnetic waves . As we sleep and start to become unconscious , the waves tend to slow down and brain activity decreases radically . While we are asleep , about an hour and a half later , our brain , in a sense , awakens and neurons start the chatter , sending signals for bodily activities . What keeps us from actually doing so is a small part of the brain called “ pons ”, making the body temporarily paralyzed . The eyes though , are not paralyzed and are the only part of the body that act out the dreams ( rapid eye movement , REM ). With the REM sleep behavior disorder – also known
1 Cherry , Kendra . What Do Your Dreams Really Mean ? www . verywellmind . com / dream-interpretation-whatdo-dreams-mean-2795930 # popularizing-dream-interpretation .