The Commited JUNE 2021 | Page 42


5 Interesting Facts About Dreams :

Talya KATZ

1 . Blind people can also dream . People who become blind after birth can see images when they dream but , people who are born blind don ’ t see anything , instead they have dreams involving other senses like smell , sound and touch .
2 . Not all people dream in color . While people mostly dream in color , there are some people who say that they only dream in black and white .
3 . It ’ s possible to control our dreams . The term lucid dreaming is basically when the dreamer becomes aware that they are dreaming and the dreamer may gain some amount of control over the dream .
4 . Most dreams are universal . People from different cultures who go through different experiences have different dreams but there are some common dreams most people know , for example : being chased , being attacked , or falling are very common .
5 . Dreams are mostly based on emotions . When people dream , they usually have dreams based on strong emotions . One of the most common emotions people experience in dreams is anxiety . In dreams negative emotions are more common than positive ones .