brain works while dreaming , pertaining to memory formation and mental disorders . What makes oneirology different from dream interpretation is its quantitative approach as opposed to the qualitative approach of the latter . Science says that dreams can be either “ authentic ” ( composed of our experiences or memories ) or “ illusory ” dreams ( that consist of unrealistic scenarios due to small errors in the brain .)
The Personal Aspect of Dreams
The dreams that we see while sleeping are all a product of the world , coded in our subliminal mind . And none of these slumber dreams belong to us . But when they do , things get a lot more fun , indeed . And that “ dream ” has a very different meaning : creating your own senses independent from the world . Buildings can be in any shape and color that you desire . The air can smell however you want . All the characters in your dream are who you want them to be . And interestingly , you ’ re one of those characters too , which shapes all the future paths that you will follow - the path to your goal ! Dreaming is the first and the biggest step on that path . Achieving your goals starts with a dream , followed by hope , action , hope , action , and hope … Then , you arrive at the last step : reaching your dreams at the top of the mountain . You must keep on climbing no matter what obstacles you are faced with . And may your dreams be the fires that illuminate your nights and fuel your ambitions on the path to the summit .