The Colonnade 2019 Colonnade 2019 | Page 19

COVER S TOR Y planning something hands-on and creative, but BIL Director Cary Jamieson and BIL Lead Technologist Shane Diller are constantly planning innovative programming of their own. One small example of many took place in 2017. The BIL hosted a professor and several students from VCU’s Department of Fashion Design and Merchandising, who held a two-hour seminar on upcycling denim. Emory Sutton, now a junior at Steward, was inspired by the experience and sees fashion in a whole new light after taking part in this project. “I had a previous interest in fashion, but ever since then, it’s been my biggest passion,” Emory said. “I study it; I watch runway shows; I became really interested in embroidery and taught myself to do different patterns. Just one little experience that was totally optional completely changed my mindset.” Emory plans to pursue an internship with the VCU professor she met that day, and is excited about her potential future in the fashion industry. “My interest in entrepreneurship also blossomed after the fashion project at the BIL,” she said. “The entrepreneurship program at Steward was kicking off, and I was interested in starting my own company, hopefully involving fashion. So when thinking about what to major in when I go to college, I’m hoping to major in business and incorporate fashion into that.” This is exactly the kind of enriching experience that Ms. Jamieson hopes her students have when they come to the BIL. “As the Director of the Innovation Lab, it’s really important to me that we take advantage of the wonderful opportunity for exchange between Steward and the Richmond community,” she said. “I encourage students to talk to the experts, and I make it a goal to put those experts in front of them. You can, of course, Google something and figure it out on your own, but it’s so impactful to be able to talk to someone that is actively doing it in the world.” REAL-WORLD APPLICATION As often as Steward hosts innovators and experts on our campus, we make every effort to get our students out into the Richmond community as well. Each September, the entire Middle School heads off-campus during what we call Community Week. It’s a time that students and teachers alike look forward to every year, because it involves a kind of engagement and education that doesn’t happen in the classroom. This fall, the Middle School, along with the Bryan Innovation Lab, debuted a redesigned Community Week curriculum for grade 7 entitled “River Stewards,” centered around the James River. “We were the first independent school to ever do a week-long program exploring the ecology of the James River,” Ms. Jamieson said. “We worked with some of the most established nonprofits in Virginia, experts in ecology and restoration education on the James River.” Seventh-grade students participated in an immersive experience led by the James River Association and VCU’s Rice Rivers Center during which they learned how living species all coexist and depend on one another to make a sustainable system. This included an overnight trip to Presquile Island on the James River to return recycled oyster shells to the riverbed with the VCU Rice Rivers Center. This process aids an effort to restore decimated oyster beds, which limits erosion and improves water quality. The students were able to learn not only what the impact of humans is on our local ecology, but how they can help with solutions and mitigation in their own lives. “I believe being more hands-on should be the future,” said Taylor Littleton, a representative from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service who accompanied the students on one of their trips to the river. The seventh-grade team plans to continue this program next year, and hopes that it will become a pillar of the Middle School. Thank you so much for an amazing hands-on experience. Thank you again and I hope you continue to inspire people as you have me. – Ethan Dumeer ’24, in a thank you note to the James River Association and the VCU Rice Rivers Center Scan here to watch a video about The the Colonnade seventh-grade | 19 “River Stewards”!