BLENDED LEARNING MODEL Source : Blended : Using Disruptive Innovation to Improve Schools ; Michael B . Horn , Heather Staker
Opposite of FLEX : primarily face-to-face ( FtF ) learning |
Opposite of ROTATION : primarily online ( O / L ) learning |
Students choose or are assigned to some O / L classes and some FtF classes |
Whole classes experience : Some O / L classes and some FtF classes |
Rotation between stations / labs to provide different kinds of activities |
Offers brick and mortar locations for connections and support where needed |
Split O / L and FtF from class to class |
Split O / L and FtF within each class |
Combination of Rotation and Enriched Virtual
understanding of reading and math . Lexia Reading Core5 uses adaptive assessment and personalized instruction to support reading for junior kindergarten through grade 5 students , and DreamBox Learning is an online software provider that focuses on math education at the Lower and Middle School level .
With both programs , students take part in fun , engaging online challenges in themed settings — such as the African Serengeti , a southwest fiesta , or a pirate ship — that allow them to learn , practice , and consolidate fundamental literacy and math skills . The programs are adaptive , meaning that they measure each student ’ s progress as he or she completes challenges and offer new challenges based on the student ’ s areas of strength or opportunity . All the while , the program collects real-time data to help teachers make informed decisions to maximize student achievement .
“ TThe teacher logs into the child ' s Lexia account , which provides the child ’ s progress , and it will suggest a lesson that the teacher can assign for the child to use in class or at home ,” said Charlene Wilton , director of Steward ’ s Center for Advancement of Learning ( CAL ). “ It ’ s also beneficial for parents . Especially for younger readers , it ’ s hard for parents to know how to help and what to do at home . These programs provide targeted , specific suggestions to help move them along .”
Lower School Enrichment Coordinator Suzanne Casey said : “ DreamBox is very individualized . It ’ s timed and constantly taking data so it can direct students on where to go next . It also has a feature called Assigned Focus that allows teachers to assign a child up to two lessons at a time that require specific skills he or she is working on in class .”
Both programs can be utilized in class or at home . All kindergarten and grade 1 students and some students in grades 2-3 are given access to Lexia ; they are encouraged to do 10 minutes of reading challenges several times a week . Students in kindergarten through grade 4 have access to DreamBox and are encouraged to spend an hour total per week doing math challenges .
Many experts claim that blended learning is the present and future of education , but not everyone agrees that this is a good thing . In a 2015 article for The Washington Post called “ Blended Learning : The great new thing or the great new hype ?”, Philip McRae , Ph . D . exposes some of the “ myths ” surrounding blended learning . He identifies the concern that the practice has led schools and classrooms to bring in “ third-party education providers to wipe out the expectations of small class sizes and certified teachers in traditional classrooms .”
Specifically , he cites charter school Rocketship Education , which adopted a rotation model of blended learning for K-5 students to cut down on costs . To accomplish this , the school has cut half of its teaching staff and hired low-paid adults to supervise and monitor students in computer labs .
20 | The Colonnade