Seventh grader Zoë Macgill ’ s life has always been centered around music — she started singing at age two , began piano lessons at age nine , and started writing her own music at age 10 . Recently , the talented Middle School student released two original songs — “ I Am Invincible ” and “ Unreal ”— through Richmond arts school Passion Academy . We caught up with Zoë about her hopes and dreams in relation to her music career . |
What led to the release of your first self-written songs ? |
“ I ’ ve been singing as long as I can remember , and I started taking voice lessons when I was 11 at a school for the arts called Passion Academy . They ’ ve really developed me as a performer by helping me to be unafraid of performing onstage and writing original songs . The person I take voice lessons from is a producer — he knew I had been writing music , so he helped me record and produce two of my songs .” |
Where does your inspiration for your songs come from ?
“ I get inspiration from anywhere , anything — it just comes to me out of nowhere . I ’ ve gotten inspiration from visiting a place or sometimes listening to other songs — if I hear a song I like , I ’ ll think , ‘ that ’ s the way I want to tell my story .’ Recently , I ’ ve experimented with styles based on artists I like . I don ’ t really know where ‘ I Am Invincible ’ came from — I just got this idea one night and I had to write it down . It ’ s a song about being independent , confident , and strong . I have lived each and every one of the lyrics , so I really wrote this song with my heart .”
What are you doing currently to develop your musical skills ?
“ In addition to voice and piano lessons , I ’ ve played the recorder and drums in band at Steward . I started playing the ukulele recently , and I want to learn guitar so I can accompany myself as I sing . I also started doing chorus as an elective last year at Steward , which I continued this year . I also perform with my church choir . I think being in chorus will help me perform better because you have to collaborate with others , so you develop artistically by being around other talents and skills .”
What is your long-term goal for your musical career ? |
“ I don ’ t necessarily want to be famous — I just want people to hear my music and be inspired by it . In terms of college , James Madison University has a great music program , so I would love to major or minor in something related to music . I always want to learn more about what I love .”
What is your advice to those who want to purse a particular hobby or passion ?
“ Stick with it . A lot of times , something might happen that will want to make you stop , or it can be hard to keep practicing . But it ’ s a really rewarding feeling when you write a song or finish a project that was challenging . Your dreams are as good as anyone else ’ s .”
Download " I Am Invicible " from itunes .
Download " Unreal " from itunes .
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